Sermon- February 10, 2012

Over the last few weeks, I have been reading through a book call “Vision of a Better World”, A Peace Messenger Initiative Dedicated to the United Nations. It is really a compilation of extraordinary stories, advise and quote from people from over 120 countries, ranging from leaders of states and countries to children and teachers, famous people and ordinary people, all with the same vision – peace. One of the better know responses was A Million Minutes of Peace which was part of the International Year of Peace (1986) declared by the United Nations. It seems timely, with the ongoing and escalating situation Israel faces, and that we as Jews are a part of, to share some of the quotes and poems from the book. What is so interesting, is that what is being said, has been said and written in so many different forms of text. We are fortunate enough to be able to look to the Torah the sermons given by our own congregants, guest and Cantor Sussman to relate so many of these exceptional quotes to our own lives.

We are the flowers of a single garden,
The fruits of a single tree,
And the waves of one sea.
Visitor to Global Cooperation “Art for a better world” exhibition

There was a very special moment that took place at Friday’s Shabbat Service. Debi Nelson beautifully chanted the Torah portion, “The Song of the Sea,” which describes God’s deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt. This is one of the most recognized texts in the Torah. Moses is leading the Jews to the banks of the Sea of Reeds with Pharaoh and his army at their heels. God splitting the Sea of Reeds for the Jews, who arrive safely to the shore, while Pharaoh’s men drown in their pursuit.

This story is unforgettable. And thanks to the Torah, we will never forget. It is a written account of our Ancestors and their evolving relationship with God. Much more than that, it is the focal point of the Jewish religion. The Torah kept a people, their religion and their culture alive for thousands of years. Even after the destruction of the second Temple, the Torah survived. And even after the great Diaspora, the Torah survived.

Burt Schaffer gave a Sermon demonstrating the importance of the Torah and the midrash written by the Rabbis. Knowing that different people interpret all things in the Torah differently, the Rabbis helped to give meaning to the writings. Spending time to read the midrash can be challenging, comforting and deeply spiritual. These interpretations by the Rabbis are timely as well, demonstrating that our religion is an evolution of thoughts and ideas that are firmly grounded in the teachings of the Torah.

There is no other book that has endured the test of time. Not only time, but also the tumultuous journey of the Jewish people and their unending struggle to live a Jewish life.

Sermon- February 1, 2012

It’s Jewish Music Month at Temple Shirat Shalom and we are celebrating by learning and singing beautiful Jewish music at each of our Shabbat Services. Music has been and always will be an important aspect of the TSS worship service. Our name is the Hebrew translation for Songs of Peace. So much of who we are begins and ends with song.

Every Shabbat evening, Cantor Sussman leads us in song and prayer. Before each song, Cantor explains the meaning it holds for us today and what it meant to ancient Hebrews of long ago. In this context, the music is not only a means by which we pray, it serves as a conduit to our ancestors. The songs we sing are an echo of their enduring message of hope and peace.

Understanding our past through Jewish music is another delightful benefit of our worship service. Everyone is invited this Friday to help us celebrate Shabbat as Debi Nelson, a member of our congregation, will chant the Torah portion,” The Song of the Sea” which describes God’s deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt.

Sermon- January 26, 2012

Last Friday Dr. David Stein gave a Sermon at Shabbat Services on the Torah Portion, Vaera. In his Sermon, David recalled the section where God asks Moses to speak to Pharaoh on behalf of the Jewish slaves. This was a huge responsibility for Moses and he initially felt inadequate for such a task.

Sometimes the responsibility of our religion may be overwhelming. Services each week, educating our children with Hebrew and History, studying the Torah for the greater meaning of life and making the entire world a better place to live are daunting tasks. And, like Moses, we may feel inadequate to accomplish all of the above.

Fortunately, living a Jewish life is not a burden. Our Services on Shabbat are peaceful and joyful. The education of our children and ourselves is quite rewarding and adds richness to the fabric of our being. Studying Torah may answer the true meaning of life, but it will most certainly give our lives a deeper meaning. And even the slightest effort to make our world a better place is a gift that we give future generations and ourselves.

We need not feel overwhelmed or inadequate. Moses had Aaron and the Hebrews to join him on their journey to worship God in the desert. We have each other, our families, our Temple and our Jewish Community to help us navigate our way on our spiritual path.

Sermon- January 11, 2012

“Wringing out the old and ringing in the new” … for many of us that means a nostalgic look back over the past year while sipping champagne. And although it is our hope to make the year ahead an improvement over the year we left behind, do we really learn from our mistakes?

Norm Saracheck gave a thought-provoking Sermon last week telling us about the death of Jacob and the blessings he bestowed on his sons and grandsons. In relating the story, Norm explained that this was Jacob’s way of passing onto his survivors his legacy. Jacob lived a life for his sons and grandsons to emulate. Isn’t that what we all try to do … Live our lives as an example for our children and our grandchildren? And we really do hope that they learn from our mistakes.

As congregants of Temple Shirat Shalom it is our eternal hope to leave a rich and fruitful legacy for generations to come. Live our temple lives as a moral example for our children and their children. Leave behind a strong and vibrant Temple with an impressive history and the hope for a bright future. Please read Norm’s Sermon, which is attached. It is Jacob’s blessing that reminds us that what we do in our own lives is important and has so much impact on future generations.