Tools for School Campaign – Super-successful!!!

Allentown Schools are back in business. The kids at the Cleveland School will start the year off on a better foot, thanks to the generosity and hard work of the Temple Shirat Shalom congregation! Under the supervision and encouragement of Cheryl Shadick and Marcia Berkow, we collected over $1000.00 in cash and supplies – that’s a boatload of supplies for the school. That’s what I call Tikkun Olam!

Here’s what the principal had to say:

Dear Temple Shirat Shalom,

Thank you so much for supporting Cleveland Elementary School. Your generosity is much appreciated. Teachers and students of Cleveland are very fortunate to have your support. Thank You! Tonya Dellatore, Principal

Thanks to all who contributed to the effort!

What the Heck is Selichot???

Selichot – A Ritual of Preparing for the High Holy Days


An important Jewish belief is that God wishes us to turn away from sin and that God helps us to do so.  The High Holy Days focus almost exclusively on this idea, which is called “teshuvah,” a Hebrew word that means “turning away from sin.”


Many Jews prepare spiritually for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur by attending a special service called “Selichot” (forgiveness).  Prayers of forgiveness are added to the daily cycle of religious services.  The Selichot service is designed to help worshipers direct their hearts and minds to the process of teshuvah.


At the Selichot service, worshipers begin to examine their deeds of the past year, seeking forgiveness from God, and promising to improve their behavior in the New Year.  Some of the prayers and music for the Selichot service are taken from the services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  This provides a musical transition between the “old year” and the New Year. The first selichot service of the holiday season is usually a large community service held on the Saturday evening before Rosh Hashanah.

“LIKE” us on facebook

Attention Facebook users!  Please LIKE our page and invite some of your FB “friends” to LIKE our page as well.  I’m sure that there are many people in the Lehigh Valley Jewish community that would enjoy learning about the happenings at Temple Shirat Shalom.

Congratulations to our graduating seniors!!

Congratulations from TSS to our graduating seniors!

Andrea Lewis
Elana Schettini
Sydney Krassen
Sofia Rembalsky
Tyler Silverstein



Best of luck as your journey continues!