We are in the month of Elul the time that we dedicate ourselves to preparations for the High Holydays. In a traditional synagogue the shofar is sounded every morning for the entire month awakening the congregation to the responsibilities of the Days of Awe. Rosh Hashanah begins on the first day of Tishri, ending the month of preparation to the Ten Days of Awe.
The sound of the shofar goes to the very soul of our people. As we ready ourselves for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur let us keep in mind the sounds of that ancient call to observance, the shofar. Taking its meaning to heart let us use that sound to inspire us to follow the words of our tradition.
On Wednesday, August 29, Allentown’s Reform Synagogue, Temple Shirat Shalom, presented two carloads of school supplies to the teachers and 365 students of Cleveland School in downtown Allentown. According to the Principal, Mr. Robert Wheeler, over 90% of the students are from homes of poverty and some are homeless. The program, “Tools for Schools,” was adopted by the one-year-old Congregation and headed by Dr. Cheryl Shadick and Dr. Norman Sarachek. Pencil boxes, file folders, markers, colored pencil sets, dry erase boards for classroom learning centers, an emergency supply of backpacks, hand sanitizer and even boxes of award stickers for the teachers to use to encourage learning were delivered. The teachers eagerly look forward to using them in the coming year. Temple Shirat Shalom and Cleveland School thanks those who generously supported this effort, and hope these materials help the students get off to a great year of learning.
Dr. Cheryl Shadick, Dr. Norman Sarachek and Principal Robert Wheeler behind one of the two cars, each full of school supplies, for Allentown’s Cleveland School.
PJ Library is celebrating its one year anniversary in the Lehigh Valley. What is PJ Library? PJ Library is FREE Jewish themed books and music for children ages 6 months through 8 years old.
Nearly 300 children in the Lehigh Valley already know the thrill of receiving a big blue and white envelope in the mail each month, the excitement of opening the envelope and finding a new book to read over and over again and the joy of having a new favorite story to read with a loved one.
What’s the catch? There is no catch. This wonderful program is made possible by The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, The Jewish Community Center, and the Jewish Day School, in partnership with generous donors that enable every Jewish child in the Lehigh Valley to participate.
You can register any child who lives in the Lehigh Valley and is in a family making Jewish choices for their children. Enroll online at www.jewishlehighvalley.org or www.pjlibrary.org. Choose the Lehigh Valley, Pa., as your community. For more information or for help enrolling your child, contact Abby Trachtman, program coordinator at abbyt@jflv.org or 610 821 5500.
Allentown Schools are back in business. The kids at the Cleveland School will start the year off on a better foot, thanks to the generosity and hard … [Read More...]
Selichot - A Ritual of Preparing for the High Holy Days An important Jewish belief is that God wishes us to turn away from sin and that … [Read More...]
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