Scholars in Residence
Weekend of February 1-2-3!
On February 1st – 2nd – 3rd, we have an exciting opportunity for our congregation. Nathan and Hillary Schumer have consented to come to Temple Shirat Shalom as Scholars in Residence!
Nathan is a doctoral candidate in Early Jewish History at Columbia University. His areas of interest include ‘Early Rabbinic Studies’ and ‘The Parting of the Ways, the Beginnings of Christianity.’
To understand Judaism, you have to understand its historical manifestations. Judaism is not any one thing; it is historical, diverse, and communal.
Hillary has a Master’s Degree in Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary.
The weekend schedule:
Friday, February 1 – Nathan will give a talk at Friday night services: “What is Judaism? The failure of definitions.”
Saturday, February 2 – Saturday morning services, program and lunch at Cantor Sussman’s house. Hillary will lead a program for our middle-schoolers (grades 6-8) and their parents: “Marshmallows,Magic,Mitzvote:What our symbols say about us.” Nathan is doing a d’var Torah.
Sunday, February 3 – Adult Education class 10:30-Noon, at the JCC: “Judaism, Christianity, and paganism: the roots of the Western religious tradition.”