Next Fun Friday Shabbat – February 15th – “Mismatch Clothes”

Fun Friday Shabbat

Every third Friday of the month is Fun Friday Shabbat.
We will be serving special Oneg treats for the kids.
Dress up in the theme below and have lots of fun!

It is important, as part of your child’s Jewish studies, to attend Shabbat
services to reinforce what they are learning in class.

January 18, 2013 Favorite Team Jersey

February 15, 2013 Mismatch Clothes

March 15, 2013 Pajama Shabbat

April 19, 2013 Crazy Hat

May 17, 2013 Super Hero

Welcome newest blogger!!

We should welcome our newest blogger – Susan McNamara!  Look for her posts!!

Torah On Tilghman

Check out the new pictures from Torah On Tilghman in the photo Gallery!IMG_2411

The Pharoah’s Edict, and the Women who Defied It

This week’s Torah begins a new book, the second book of the Torah, Sh’mote or names. This book deals with Moses and the Exodus from Egypt. In the beginning of the sedra the author of the Torah says that after the death of Joseph the Israelites multiply greatly, the new Pharaoh who does not remember Joseph is afraid of so many Jews living in Egypt.

He tells the Israelite midwives Shifra and Puah to destroy the male children. To protect their people Shifra and Puah did not obey Pharaoh. An interesting answer the Rabbis made to the question, who are these women? The Rabbis said these women are actually Yocheved and Miriam, Moses’ mother and sister. Although Pharaoh threatened to burn them alive if they continued to disobey him, they nonetheless stood firm and were miraculously spared from punishment.