In this week’s Torah portion Ki Tisa Moses comes down from Mt Sinai with the tablets of the law and sees the Israelites dancing around the Golden Calf. He of course is furious, admonishes the Israelites and then goes back up the mountain. When he returns, he comes back with more rules for the Israelites to follow. The Israelites are given an opportunity to reaffirm the covenant with God. God provides Moses with laws that will help them keep their conduct acceptable to God. This is the example that the Jewish people have set for the world. Through the rule of law the Jewish people were able to reaffirm their relationship with God and lead a more sacred life.
The Secret Lies Within
“God helps those who help themselves.” If we think about that, we come to understand it. How do we help ourselves? We read and act as one would with the lessons given to us from the Torah.
Whatever your path to reading the Torah becomes, be open to the lessons you can take away from your time spent with this magnificent book. Our ancestors were imperfect in an imperfect world. The Torah helps them to find a way to maneuver this world, understand this world, and make better this world. The Torah told them and tells us today what to eat, what to wear, when to work, when to rest, how to treat others, how to treat ourselves … all of this to empower a people with hope and the will to survive.
The Torah also brings order to what would have been a chaotic world. Our ancestors lived in tumultuous times. Some might say our present time is much the same. Different challenges needing solutions. What the Torah gave our ancestors and still gives to us today is a guide…. a survival guide. There are laws, procedures and processes that have been put in place, which brings civility to our world.
PJ Library Mini Seder for Young Children – March 10th
PJ Library Mini Seder and other activities for young children
Led by Cantor Ellen Sussman, guest reader Harry Rose
At the JCC on Sunday March 10, 2013 from 10:30am to Noon
Cost $18.00 per family/pre registration to the JCC is required
Contact Brenda Finberg for more information
To view flyer for the event, click here: PJ Library Passover event 3.10.13
This event is not intended to take children out of religious school. It is geared towards those who are too young for religious school and children who do not attend.
Feel free to contact Abby Trachtman with any questions.
Abby Trachtman
Program Coordinator, JFLV
610.821.5500 ext. 321 |