TSS Community Garage Sale – Sunday, May 19th

Stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff – stuff . It’s overwhelming! Now is the time to get control of your house again, and get rid of your extra stuff that is taking over your home. Donate it to the TSS garage sale. We can pick up for you. We will price it and sell it. You get the tax deduction for donating to a charitable organization. WOW!!!



With your help this fundraiser will be a great success.



TSS Community Garage Sale – Sunday May 19th!


Drop off on Saturday,May 18th, 8 AM-Noon

Community Garage Sale is on Sunday, May 19th, 9 AM-3 PM

For questions – contact Jett Sarachek (jettusara@aol.com) or Liz Kamp (ekamp@rcn.com)


Location: Liz Kamp’s home (actually her garage)

1905 Duffield Ct.

Allentown 18103


Pricing by Debi Nelson

Lifting and shlepping by TSS Brotherhood

‘Leftovers’ will be donated to a charitable organization, or can be picked up after the sale.



Book of Ruth Opera – March 15

On March 15, Susan Bingham is coming to TSS with her Children’s and Liturgical Opera Company!  They will be performing a short opera on the Book of Ruth.

Day of Dialogue – Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day of Dialogue – Sunday, April 21, 2013


This year’s Day of Dialogue, organized by the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding, will be held on Sunday, April 21, from 1-5 PM at Temple Beth El in Allentown.  The topic for the afternoon is “Thin Places: Where We Touch Holiness.”  In Celtic tradition, places where we feel closer to God are known as “thin places.”


In this Day of Dialogue, there will be opportunities to share with neighbors of other faiths our personal experiences with “thin places.”  To provide a framework for these discussions, Dr. Peter Pettit, the Director of the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding, will introduce us to one of the holiest places in the world, Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, al-Quds and its significance to Christianity, Judaism and Islam.  Dr. Pettit first traveled to Jerusalem as a teen, lived there for a year as a graduate student and has returned there more than two dozen times in various professional capacities.


In addition to Dr. Pettit’s presentation, three friends from our local religious communities will briefly share their experiences of holiness in relation to Jerusalem.  The remainder of the time will be spent on dialogue in small groups where we will share our own respective holy places and our experiences there.


Registration begins at 1:00 PM and the program at 1:30 PM at Temple Beth El, 1305 Springhouse Road, Allentown.  The cost of the program is $10 per person.  To receive a flier or to make a reservation, please phone the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding, 484-664-3470 or check their website: www.ijcu.org or email: ijcu@muhlenberg.edu.

Happy March Birthday to our March TSS Kids!!

Happy March birthday to our kids born this month! Yaaayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rebecca Donahue 12th
Sofia Rembalsky 14th
Nina Iorio 17th