This week’s Torah portion is a double portion just like last week’s, it is Acharei Mot and K’doshim. K’doshim is the perfect portion to read this week because K’doshim means holiness. President Obama recounted the stories of kindness exhibited by the people of Boston faced with the horror of the bombing at the Boston Marathon. The medical students who were off on Monday rushed back to the hospital to serve, people opened up their homes to stunned runners and everyone raced in to help. They acted in a holy fashion. It says in our holy books, when all the world acts terribly we are always to act as a mensch. The antidote to evil is holiness. We absolutely do not understand how people can perform such heinous crimes. What we do understand is that when people are in need and are helpless, we need to help. God commands us, in this week’s Torah portion K’doshim,”You shall be holy for I the Lord Your God, am holy”. We all applaud Boston for its’ actions following the tragedy. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families, we also reach out to that beautiful city of Boston and its’ inhabitants.
Cantor Sussman