PJ Goes to Yofresh on May 5th

What better way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo! Yofresh – YUMMY!!!

Attached is a flyer for PJ Library event on Sunday May 5, 2013 from 10:30am until noon at Yofresh Yogurt Café, 4642 Broadway, Allentown, in the Shopping center near Josh Early/AMC Movies

As with all PJ Programs, this program is not intended to take children out of religious school. It is indended for preschool children who are too young for religious school and those who do not attend.

Event flyer:  PJ Goes to Yofresh 5.5.13
For more information or to register please contact the the JCC front desk at 610 435 3571 or Brenda Finberg at bfinberg@lvjcc.org

Happy April Birthdays to our April TSS Kids!!!

A Big Happy Birthday to all our TSS Kids in April!!
Ben Barczewski 8th
Joy Nelson 13th
Julia McAloon 23rd
Sam Zionts-Bernstein 30th

There are moments in life where talking does not help

In this week’s Torah Portion Sh’mini Aaron begins the job of the High Priest. He is told by Moses to bring sacrifices to the Tent of Meeting. At the conclusion of the sacrifices The Presence of God appears to all those who were present. This was an incredible moment for Aaron as God accepted his offerings and he now knows that he can function as the High Priest for all the Children of Israel. Nadav and Abihu , Aaron’s sons put fire and incense in their fire pans, the Torah calls it alien fire to God. A fire then appears from God and they are immediately vaporized. Moses explains God’s actions to Aaron, saying that the deaths of Nadav and Abihu specifically demonstrate that the responsibilities of the Priest are to do exactly what God asks of them and are not to deviate. Aaron remains silent and does not respond.

The Rabbis have discussed this passage in great detail. They come up with many explanations all of which sound hollow. It is a very troubling passage and no explanation can explain it away. I want to draw attention to Aaron’s response which is silence. There are moments in life where talking does not help and on the contrary is a hindrance. Many times words are not enough they can not explain the depths of feelings that people are experiencing. In our tradition it says when you enter a house of mourning do not say anything to the mourners until they speak to you. Good advice. Before talking it is best to assess the feelings of the mourner, by waiting for them to speak to you, you can respond in kind. We should remember that oftentimes just the presence of a loved one or dear friend is enough.

Cantor Sussman

Peace – it’s not that difficult, people!

We are a curious group. We seek the answers to our problems. We find solutions we can live with. We journey to the light and back again to try and make our World a better place.

That was the message delivered at last Friday’s Shabbat Service as Dr. Harold Goldfarb gave a Sermon detailing his experience at the recent AIPAC Conference held in Washington, DC. Harold shared what he and his wife Sandy learned from a variety of speakers dealing with the situation in Israel, the Middle East and the shared values Israel has with the United States.

What we learned is how AIPAC’s mission, to strengthen the ties between the United States and its ally Israel, is uniquely positioned to bring the issues of Israel to the attention of the United States Congress. Harold related the thoughts and opinions of many key U.S. officials on the U.S. and Israel partnership.

This thought provoking and informational Sermon demonstrates how all of us can be a part of the solution. Become curious about the World we live in. Seek answers from our leaders. Gain influence and share your ideals with others. We are all in this World together. And no matter what our political views are … we all want the same thing. We all want peace.

Thank you to Harold and Sandy for sharing your experience.