TSS – A congregation or a family?

As we watch the leaves fall from the trees, and brace for the coming winter months, we become centered on our home, family and the holiday traditions that bring us all together. And with Thanksgiving/Hanukkah just around the corner, we reflect on the many blessings bestowed upon us.

This holiday season, our Temple community is preparing all types of activities that will bring us together for bonding and fellowship. And in this season of thankfulness, we have an opportunity to reflect on just how fortunate we are to have found each other and a pathway to share our traditions and make new memories for our children.

Pizza pre-negs, Sing-a-longs, Hanukkah parties, Champagne Tastings, Book Clubs and Adult Education lectures are just a few ways we come together in an effort to create friendships that outlast a lifetime!

In this upcoming holiday season, there is no reason for any of us to be alone. Your Temple community is all around. There is a comfort in knowing that whatever we face, we face it with the support and warmth of the good friends and family we have made at Temple Shirat Shalom.

Change comes from within

This week’s Torah Portion Vayeitze deals with Jacob’s experiences in Haran. In the end Jacob was able to return to Canaan with a large prosperous family. The twenty years that he lived in Haran and worked for his uncle Laban were very hard. On numerous occasions Laban tricked Jacob. Jacob had to use all the cleverness he possessed to eventually get what he wanted. Jacob was a complicated character with many flaws. God had to teach him many lessons. One important lesson is that the end does not justify the means. It is not enough to want to do the good, one must do the good. The steps that we take to achieve the good must be just and honorable.

The central theme of the sedra is that we must struggle with ourselves to make a difference in our lives. Jacob has a dream and fights with an angel and comes out of that experience a better person, more secure, kinder and dedicated to doing the right thing. The Rabbis say that the “angel” is really Jacob himself, struggling with his negative traits. The portion implies that we can make ourselves better if we face our issues and struggle with our “demons.”

Family, Friends, and What Matters

Welcome to November, the time of year that reminds us of the importance of family, friends, and what matters in our lives. We are particularly fortunate that we are alive to see a once in a lifetime occurrence…

Yes, that’s right…we get to celebrate Chanukah and Thanksgiving at the same time!! We get to have turkey, latkes, and (insert favorite here) pie all at the same time. We get to overeat, watch football, and watch the tearing of wrapping paper as our children unveil the gifts that parents have hidden in closets, basements, and car trunks.

What better way to become fully enveloped in the warmth and love of family?

While we are basking in this holiday glow, let’s remind ourselves that this is also the best time to get involved with your TSS family. As you’ll see in this bulletin there are many, many activities on the schedule. Please pick those that interest you most and spend some time with us.

New Prayer Books are Here!

Don’t be a schnook!

Sponsor a book!


New Prayer Books are Here!

We are now utilizing our new Prayer book – Mishkan T’filah – for Shabbat and Festival worship. This is the new official Siddur of Reform Judaism. It will replace the old Grey Gates of Prayer, which has certainly served its purpose with honor!


If you would like to sponsor a book, contact Audrey Nolte (ANolte@ptd.net).

Or you can print this prayer book donation form and send it back to Audrey with your check!


$36 = One Prayer Book

$72 = Two Prayer Books

$108 = Three Prayer Books

$144 = Four Prayer Books

$180 = Five Prayer Books

$360 = Ten Prayer Books

You get the idea!


Tribute Gift Options

If you would like to dedicate a prayer book, (minimum donation $36), your dedication will be permanently inscribed on the inside cover of the books. (“In Honor of…” or “In Memory of…” – your choice.) What better way to honor or memorialize someone you love!


Sponsor a Siddur Today!

Email Audrey Nolte (ANolte@ptd.net)