Mishloach Manot

Mishloach Manot  —

As the holiday of Purim is coming upon us (March 16th), one of the most important aspects in the celebration of Purim is the sending of food – an assortment of treats and good wishes to our fellow members – Mishloach Manot.

This Purim Project is new this year and is being sponsored by our very own TSS Sisterhood. It will give you the opportunity to reach out to fellow members, friends, family, and neighbors in joy and friendship, emphasizing one of the major themes of this holiday.  Every TSS family will receive a Purim gift bag which will include various Purim-themed goodies (including hamantashen) and a list of contributors to that particular family’s bag.  The funds raised by the TSS Sisterhood will go towards general TSS expenses and future Sisterhood and TSS events.

How it works:

Choose which Temple members (as well as non-temple members) you would like to send well wishes to.  Once you have filled out the order form, send the form and payment to Susan McNamara. Deadline is February 24, 2014.


Click here for MISHLOACH MANOT ORDER FORM.  You can direct any questions to Susan McNamara at sjm16@outlook.com.  Please consider participating in this important fundraiser for Temple Shirat Shalom.


Thank you for your support!


TSS Sisterhood


Still got questions? Mishloach Manot Q&A



TSS Educational Moment: What the heck is Mishloach Manot?

Mishloach manot (Hebrew: משלוח מנות, literally, “sending of portions”) also called a Purim basket, are gifts of food or drink that are sent to friends, relatives, neighbors, teachers, business associates, and any other acquaintances on Purim day. The mitzvah of giving mishloach manot derives from the Book of Esther. It is meant to ensure that everyone has enough food for the Purim feast held later in the day, and to increase love and friendship among Jews as a counter to Haman’s assertion that the Jewish people are characterized by strife and disunity. According to the halakha, every Jew over the age of Bar and Bat Mitzvah should send a food gift consisting of two different types of food to at least one recipient. The practice is a fairly prominent feature of Purim.

For questions about the project, and for TSS membership list, please contact Susan McNamara (sjm16@outlook.com).