Spirituality in the Mundane

In this week’s Torah portion Tzav Aaron must remove ashes from the Tent of Meeting. Aaron wears special clothing for the menial task of removing ashes. When the ashes are removed from the altar Aaron is to wear linen garments. For carrying the ashes outside of the Tent of Meeting Aaron is to wear less formal clothing. The Rabbis derived two lessons from this. The Priestly vestments are worn even for lowly tasks because they are performed for the service of God and the Jewish People. We learn that putting on special clothes for worship can heighten the experience. A second lesson is that all tasks even the most lowly, if done in the service of God and the Jewish People should not be considered beneath anyone’s dignity. Even Aaron the Priest was obligated to remove ashes.

All that we do for TSS is important work and is appreciated by the community. Just as Aaron removed the ashes, so should we volunteer our time and energies to keep TSS running smoothly.

Call for Purim Volunteers!

The JCC Purim Carnival is on Sunday March 16th, from noon-3 PM. TSS will be hosting a booth, and we need volunteers to help out!

Here’s info about the event

If interested, please contact Lisa Szydlow (theszydlows@gmail.com)

Community Purim Palooza at the J
12:30 to 3 p.m., JCC of Allentown
A family-friendly event for kids of all ages. Enjoy games, a moon bounce, face painting, arts and crafts, food and prizes. Come in costume! Game tickets are 50 cents each.


Purim at TSS

*******Purim at TSS*******

Top Five Reasons Why You and Your Family Should Attend TSS’s Purim Celebration:

(1) If you’re having a bad hair day, you can always wear a mask & no one will know who you are!

(2) You can’t eat Hamantaschen on Yom Kippur!

(3) Mordechai – 1; Haman – 0!!!

(4) It’s during religious school, so you’re here anyway!

(5) Making noise, having fun and celebrating Purim with your Temple Shirat Shalom friends and family is a mitzvah!

Sunday, March 16, 2014, JCC – 9:30 – 12:00

9:30-10:00 – Purim Tefilah – The Reading of M’gillat Esther – ALL INVITED

10:00 – 11:30 – FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDENTS (and parents): Come in costume! (Prizes for those who dress up), Hamantaschen creation, milk jug mask making, dress your parent as Esther relay race, smash the Haman piñata.

10:30 – 11:30 – FOR CONGREGATION: Join Cantor Sussman for a class on M’gillat Esther – an in depth perusal of the text in a historical and sociological perspective.

11:30 – 12:00 – Eating of the Hamantaschen

2014 Purim flyer