How to Serve, with Brotherhood Style!

The Torah portion for last week’s Brotherhood Shabbat Service was Tetsaveh, Hebrew for “you command.”  In this Parashat God commands Moses and the children of Israel on how to serve the Lord God by bringing pure olive oil to light the sanctuary, ordaining and the dressing of the priests for worship and the burning of incense.  Don Bastian, President of our Brotherhood, drew from this text many similarities to the good deeds that the Brotherhood performs for TSS.

Throughout Don’s Sermon one realizes that when we serve our God with bringing order to our weekly worship Service and performing good deeds wherever needed, we not only serve God, we serve our community.  Perhaps this was why God gave these commands.  Bringing order to our worship brings people together to work for a common goal.  Performing good deeds side-by-side with fellow congregants builds a sense of community … a “brotherhood.”


This was the perfect Parashat for Brotherhood President, Don Bastian, to sermonize.  Don and his Brotherhood members are superb examples of bringing order to our worship Service and performing good deeds for our Congregation.  Their dedication and joyful spirit is an inspiration to us all.  We are truly thankful for our wonderful Brotherhood.


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