3/22 Newsletter Announcements & Events

Information about Services 

Tomorrow night, March 23rdFriday Shabbat Service, Swain School. Cynthia Goodman-Mumma will be chanting Torah.

March 30th: Friday Shabbat Service, Swain School
April 6th: Friday Shabbat Service, Swain School
April 13th: Friday Shabbat Service, Swain School


Event & Activity Reminder

Wednesday, April 18
The Yom Hashoah Service, featuring the play “Face Forward: Growing Up in Nazi Germany,” will take place at the JCC beginning at 7:00 pm. Click here to learn more


Tuesday, April 24
Yom Hazikaron ceremony take place at the JCC beginning at 7:00 pm.


Thursday, April 26
The community Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration will take place at the JCC from 5:00 pm till 8:00 pm.
Thursday, May 3 – TSS Book Club
The next TSS Book Club discussion will be The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman. We will meet on May 3, 2012 at Linda Miller’s home 832. N. Muhlenberg at 7:00 p.m.  The novel is set during and after the fall of Jerusalem (70 C.E.) while the Romans laid siege against the Jewish stronghold at Massada. Massada was held by a group of 900 Jewish rebels and their families.


This is the story of five fictional women who survived the mass suicide at Massada.   This will be the third book of the year for us. The conversations and insights have been wonderful.  Read the book and enjoy an evening with your TSS family.


If you plan to attend please email Margie Hertz at mhertz@ptd.net.   We look forward to sharing our opinions of this wonderful book.


Sunday, May 6
A free concert will be held to honor the memory of Bruce Fischman at the Christ Lutheran Church, 1245 Hamilton Street, Allentown beginning at 3:00 PM. More information to come in future bulletins.


Saturday, May 12
Shavuot Cooking Class – more details to follow.


Sunday, June 3
Lecture by the first four female Rabbis – more details to follow.
Our LET’S EAT COMMITTEE invites you to spice up your life and drink, EAT, EAT and EAT with friends at:
Thai Thai Restaurant
302 Main Street
Emmaus, PA 18049
  • Challenge your taste buds or choose more comfortable options
  • Of course there will be dessert
  • Cash bar
Reservation is for 7:00 PM and cost is $30.00 per person.
RSVP Roberta Kritzer at rbk1021@ptd.net or 610-398-2659 by March 1
Send check to Stuart Shmookler payable to him at
1495 Coventry Rd., Allentown, PA 18104
Any money left over will be donated to Temple Shirat Shalom
Come THAI one on with us!!

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