Scholars in Residence Weekend a Great Success!!

Scholars in Residence Weekend as experienced by our Congregants:

“On Friday night our scholar in residence, Nate Schumer, gave the d’var Torah. He spoke of the diversity of Jewish observances and practices in the ancient world. Everyone agreed that it was fascinating and thought provoking. Nate’s talk was scholarly but informal and quite charming. It was informative and initiated intense conversations at the Oneg. A great evening for TSS. Yasher Koach.”

Saturday morning at a packed house at Cantor and David’s home we had an enthusiastic Shabbat morning service including a wonderful chanting of the Ten Commandments by Jeremy Vaida and comments on the Torah portion by Nate. Nate and his wife, Hilary, treated our sixth and seventh grade students and their parents to another wonderful program. It was lively and, of course, competitive as students and parents competed for points in “Is it Jewish?” I am very proud to report that our wonderful and smart students carried the day! The students and parents had some building with spaghetti and marshmallows (you had to be there) and a wonderful learning experience. We all had a yummy Kiddush lunch to end the morning. It was a wonderful way to spend Shabbat morning.”

     Summary of the Friday evening and Saturday Scholars in Residence Program submitted by Janet Hogan.

“Last Sunday morning at the TSS Adult Education program, it was a privilege and a joy to meet with our scholar in residence, fellow TSS congregants, and our guests, some of who are steeped in knowledge of history. Analyzing early sources of Biblical writing, why they happened, what they meant at the time, and what they mean to our times resulted in an energizing and enlightening discussion. Whether history-literate or not, everyone participated and brought valuable ideas to the discussion. Thank you TSS, it was a beautiful experience.”

       Summary of the Sunday morning Scholars in Residence Adult Education Program submitted by Norm Sarachek.

TSS was pleased and honored to host such an informative, enlightening and educational weekend.

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