THE PICTURES ARE IN! Check out pictures of our TSS community in Action!

THE PICTURES ARE IN!  Check out pictures of our TSS community in Action!
You are invited to view our photo gallery to see the newest lovely TSS photos.  If you click on these two links below you can see many of our TSS members having fun and enjoying our TSS Chanukah Service and party. Or you can go directly to the ‘Photo Gallery’ Tab on our home page.
Comments are welcome on photos and on the Facebook photos.
Give the photographer some positive reinforcement for keeping these photos coming!
NEEDED!  Photography, Web and Facebook help! 
I would love to get more people to take pictures at TSS events that I can put up on the website and Facebook page.  Please email me at to let me know that you can be on my “short list” of contributors.
Also – I would love some more help and interaction (by way of comments, status updates and shares) on the TSS Facebook page.  If you have updates or news to put up, you can post it yourself if you have a Facebook page, or email me  Anyone with a Facebook page, please “like” us and post an update or comment.  
Questions or ideas for taking photos and/or improving the web site and Facebook, please contact me.  I could use a few more volunteers!   Not sure how to help, don’t know where to start, but would like to learn?  I would be happy to help you learn the ropes!  

 Thanks!  Judy Belmont

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