TSS is now Socially Connected!


We are pleased to be almost finished with our new improved web site at TSS, along with other social media connections such has Facebook and twitter.  These social media capabilities will be found at the bottom of our home page.  Although many of you are not familiar with Twitter, Facebook and blogs, as you check frequently on the TSS site  you will become more familiar and hopefully become part of our social media community.  After each blog post, comments are welcome, and the more people that comment in our community, the more vibrant, meaningful and interactive our site becomes.  

On the last Wednesday of each month we will have Social Media Wednesdays at Wegmans where we will go over how to use various social media platforms for personal and professional use.  We welcome volunteers to help us with updating our social media, and instruction is available to willing volunteers.  We also welcome guest blog posts for our TSS members. Any special announcements, member news, etc are fine material for blog posts, and those posts can be submitted to Judy Belmont at JABelmont3@gmail.com to be put in.

For any questions about out web site or social media, contact Judy or Don Belmont, TSS Web Masters    JABelmont3@gmail.com  and djbelmont@gmail.com

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