Being Jewish – Roots and Wings

In this week’s Torah portion R’eih it says: Deut:12:8,” You shall not act at all as we now act here, each of us as we please….”.

This seems to be an oft repeated theme of our people, members doing whatever they want not following tradition. In the early years of Reform Judaism, the Rabbis felt that some of the religious trappings of our people were unnecessary. There was not much Hebrew in the worship service, the wearing of a kippah or a tallit was discouraged. The Rabbis felt these traditions no longer spoke to people and were unnecessary. As Reform Judaism matured the Rabbis realized keeping tradition brings people together. It is not helpful to have a religion of don’ts.

A religion of positivity makes people feel more Jewish. The act of following tradition enriches people’s lives and brings families together. The foods, ritual objects, smells and tastes all add to a full life. Children remember family traditions and want to have those traditions in their own families. Disinterest in following the mitzvote is obviously not new. As we enter the High Holyday season we should find traditions that speak to us and make a pledge to follow them. I know that it will only add to the joy in our lives.

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