The only mitzvah we must perform on Chanukah is the lighting of the Chanukiah, Chanukah Menorah. We also must say Al Hanisim, in the synagogue. There are special games, dreidel and special foods, latkes associated with Chanukah. In America it has become the custom to exchange gifts especially for children. Plays and celebrations are held in Religious Schools. At home we should encourage our children to light the Chanukia and sing the blessings. The festival recalls a great act of faith, commemorating the liberation of our people “bayamim hahem bazman haze,” “in those days at this season.” Today Chanukah symbolizes the struggle of “the few against the many, the weak against the strong,” the eternal struggle of the Jewish people for their faith and existence. To the world it proclaims the words of the prophet Zechariah, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit alone”.
Chag Sameach Chanukah
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