Lech L’cha, this week’s Torah portion, is one of the most popular. One reason is because of the beautiful song that Debbie Friedman composed as a musical midrash explaining what the portion is all about. The words are simple but poignant.
“L’chi Lach, to a land that I will show you, Lech L’cha to a place you do not know, L’chi Lach, on your journey I will bless you, and you shall be a blessing, L’chi Lach. I shall make your name great and all shall praise your name.”
God is telling Abraham to leave his comfort zone, leave the physical and the spiritual place he knows and go on a journey. God will support him but he must make the first step. If Abraham trusts in the future and trusts God’s Presence, he will be a blessing for the world. That is what the song says and that is what the Torah portion says, sung in just a few words with a beautiful melody.
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