God and His Children

This week’s Torah is a double portion Vayakhel/P’kudei. In Vayakhel the Israelites continue to build the Tabernacle. God gives detailed instructions on how to build, what materials to use and the personnel needed for the Tabernacle. What is very interesting is that this portion follows the incident of the Golden Calf. In that portion the Israelites and God came to an understanding. The Israelites disobey God’s laws yet God forgives them and still says that the Israelites are God’s people and that they will bring Torah to the world. This is of great comfort to the Israelites because now God is viewed as a parent. As we know in life a parent, is always your parent no matter what transpires. Parents may not be happy with the choices a child makes but that does not change their love for their child. That is exactly what happens with God. The Israelites continue to build the Tabernacle, God’s dwelling place because they are confident in the relationship with God. They know even if they falter God will be with them just like a loving parent.

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