God’s glory is always in our midst

When the work of building the Mishkan is completed, as recounted in this week’s Torah portion P’kudai, a cloud descends over the Tent of Meeting as a symbol of God’s Presence in the Mishkan. This fulfills the purpose of the portable sanctuary as expressed in Ex. 25:8, ” and let them make Me a sanctuary so that I may dwell among them”. At night a fire shines forth from within the cloud making it visible even in the dark and reassuring the people that God’s glory is always in their midst. The cloud served an important purpose. So long as it enveloped the Mishkan the people camped where they were. But when it rose the people resumed their march toward the Promised Land following the cloud.

I always found this portion of the Torah to be beautiful and poetic in nature. The People of Israel guided by the cloud felt engulfed in God’s Presence. The cloud gave them comfort. So too when we search for God we can feel God’s Presence almost like a cloud. If we open ourselves up to feel God, God can enter into our lives.

Last Friday our family celebrated the engagement of our son Jeremy to Meidan Keidar. Blessing our children in the presence of our congregation added to the joy of the moment. Blessing our children at a service invited God to enter into their relationship. It made us remember that marriage is a holy union sanctified by God.

We want to thank all those who shared our simcha with us. And we want to especially thank those who baked, brought goodies and set up the oneg. It was a wonderful weekend for our entire family.

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