This week’s Torah portion Sh’lach L’cha is a study in positive thinking. Moses sends out 12 spies to evaluate the land of Israel and the people inhabiting it. Ten of the spies come back thinking that the people are too strong and the Israelites would be defeated. Only Joshua and Caleb say that if the Israelites trust in God they can be victorious and make Israel their own. God is furious with the Children of Israel and wants to destroy them because they believe the ten “negative” spies. God does not want such negativity to permeate his “chosen people” and is willing to just keep the family of Moses alive. Once again Moses pleads for all his people. God relents and is willing to compromise by sparing them but not allowing the Israelites to enter the Land of Israel and instead wander the desert until the entire “negative” generation is killed off. Of that generation only Caleb and Joshua survive. They are rewarded for their positive nature, trust in God and courage.
When all the spies were complaining and afraid only Joshua and Caleb stood up and disagreed with them. That shows true courage and for that act of courage Joshua became the leader of the Jewish people after Moses. God rewards people for true courage and those who trust in Him.
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