This week’s Torah portion is Shoftim and in it we hear the famous words “tsedak,tsedek tifdof, Justice, justice shall you pursue.”(Deut:16:20).
It is not surprising given these words that we are a people who respect and glorify laws. We are a people of lawyers and judges. As Liberal Jews we have all been involved in situations involving the pursuit of justice for all. These words are emblazoned on many Temple walls as well as the walls of our communal organizations. When considering any issue we have always gone back to the words of our Torah to pursue justice.
In Shoftim the pursuit of justice is spelled out. Two witnesses are required for evidence and a
thorough investigation is required for any grievance. A scrupulous effort is made to preserve not only the substance but the appearance of impartiality. This very Torah portion has always been a source for my teaching, it is important for all Jews to realize that Social Justice is not a luxury but at the very core of our values.As the High Holy Day season approaches let us remember these words of our Torah, take them to heart and teach them to our children.
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