Looking Forward to the Days of Awe

We are approaching the High Holydays and I am very busy preparing for the Yamin Noraim, the Days of Awe. The Rabbis wanted us to search for God’s Presence these weeks. God is the awe inspiring source of our spiritual being. As I prepare I am hopeful that Rabbi Priesand and I will touch your souls and help our congregation witness the power of being part of K’lal Yisrael, the People of Israel. On Rosh Hashana when we see our community come together let us remember the beauty of
our tradition and the benefit of sharing that tradition with the members of Temple Shirat Shalom.

A number of you have indicated that you would be amenable to giving a sermon if the parsha was something of interest to you particularly.

Sept 15 – Nitzavim Moses finishes his address to the people, reiterating the relationship and obligations between God and the Jewish People.

Sept 22 – Vayelech Moses anticipates his death and lays his hands on Joshua making him the new leader of the Jewish People.

Sept 29 – Haazinu Moses utters God’s prophetic poem extolling the Divine might and favor He has shown to Israel.

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