B’chukotai, my laws, is this week’s Torah portion and the last Torah portion in Leviticus. The entire book is filled with the laws that govern the Children of Israel. If followed the Children of Israel will be blessed and if not followed they will be cursed. The laws are those given to Moses on Mt. Sinai and then told to the Israelites, thereby entering in to the covenant with God. God’s half of the agreement is that the Israelites are God’s Chosen people to bring Torah to the world, they will be numerous and they are promised the Land of Israel. The Israelites’ part of the agreement is that they must keep the mitzvote and be a Kingdom of Priests bringing God’s word to the world.
It has not been a smooth path, as the Children of Israel have suffered throughout their history. The Rabbis say we should never despair because the covenant will never be broken. We may have terrible things happen to us but ultimately God is always with us.
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