This week’s Torah Portion Beshalach is nicknamed the Song of the Sea because part of it is written in poetic form. It is a very exciting portion in that the Children of Israel are leaving Egypt and the Egyptian soldiers are in hot pursuit. They reach the shore of the Sea of Reeds and are frozen what are they to do. As in many parts of the Torah the description is very sparse. The Torah just goes from the Children of Israel reaching the shore and the sea parting. The Rabbis wanted to know what made the Sea part.
A midrash, or story was written by the Rabbis to explain what happened. God did not just part the Sea, God wanted to have some indication that His people were beginning to trust in Him and were forming a relationship with Him. A simple man Nachshon trusting that God would protect him entered the Sea of Reeds even though he was putting his life in jeopardy. Nachshon knew that God would protect him and lo and behold God did and the sea parted and the Israelites were saved. This of course points out how one person with courage can change the course of events. One person can make a difference.
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