Passover – the Holiday of spring

The central meaning of Passover is liberation, hence the name z’man heirutainu, the season of liberation. Another name for Passover is hag ha’aviv, the holiday of spring. This is not by chance but by design. The holiday of liberation is the holiday of spring. After the dark and dreary winter in a land covered with snow the earth bursts forth with vegetation, new life. So too, the Israelites burst forth from oppression and slavery to a new life of freedom. Without the Exodus the Isrealites as a people would have become extinct. The watchwords of both spring and Passover are rebirth and hope. As we watch the world awaken to new life we recount the story of the rebirth of the Jewish People. Passover reminds us that no matter how dire our situation, we must not lose hope. Passover tells us that renewal and rebirth are as intrinsic to human beings as it is to nature.

Have a ziessen Pesach a sweet Passover

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