This week’s Torah portion Vayikra begins the book of Leviticus. It is the book that describes the Holiness code , the responsibilities of the Priests and the ins and outs of animal sacrifice. It does not sound like a gripping story. It however is quite important because it describes how we are to live a moral life. When the ancient Israelites missed the mark, or sinned they engaged in sacrifice to make amends for what they had done. Since we no longer have the Temple in Jerusalem we have to find another way to show, we are sorry. We pray to God and participate in Temple life. We also try and be better people to those around us. In Leviticus the text points out the importance of leading a moral life and how to function in a family and in a community.
Now a few weeks before Passover , it is a good time to do spring cleaning for our homes as well as our souls. It is a good time to assess our relationships and try and fix the problems we may be facing.
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