Four First Women Rabbis

This last Sunday I went to a program at my former congregation in Tinton Falls, NJ on the Jersey Shore. The program was entitled Four First Women Rabbis, and included a round table discussion with Rabbi Sally Priesand, America’s first female Rabbi and the representative from the Reform Movement, Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, from the Reconstructionist Movement, Rabbi Amy Eilberg from the Conservative Movement, and Rabba Sara Hurwitz from the Orthodox Movement. Each woman spoke about their experiences and how Rabbi Priesand led the way for all of them and the rest of the women in positions of leadership in the Jewish community.

The moderator spoke of their courage but each woman said they did not feel courageous they just wanted to be Rabbis. I have found this in discussions with all people who perform acts of heroism, they all say they were just doing what they wanted to do or what needed to be done. Each Rabbi said once the path was opened up by Sally they had some guidelines on how to proceed with their journey. They all spoke of their male colleagues who were supportive of them and of their mentors.


They told of supportive parents. We, as parents have an important job in encouraging our daughters to succeed in life. Girls can do anything in this world, and you certainly can do anything that is important to you, those were the words uttered by the parents of these extraordinary women. Even though their parents did not understand their choices they were there to support their daughters in the decisions they made.


The Rabbis spoke of their desire to serve the Jewish people, they were not driven by dreams of being rich and famous. It seems in our society today people want just to be famous and rich, that is the goal. These women became ‘famous” for their accomplishments not just because they were darlings of the media.


It has been forty years since Rabbi Priesand was ordained in Cincinnati,Ohio at the Hebrew-Union College. There was sexism, Sally could not find a job when she graduated she was the last in her class to find a pulpit. She began her career as the assistant Rabbi at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in NYC. That is the synagogue that was begun by Rabbi Stephen Wise in response to the problems he had as Rabbi of Temple Emmanuel in NYC. Rabbi Wise was a great orator and was one of the first people to understand the horrors of the Nazis.


During his employment at Temple Emmanuel the board expected Rabbi Wise to show his sermons to the board before he delivered them, in response to that Rabbi Wise formed his own synagogue. This was obviously a synagogue founded on the principles of equality and freedom. Although they hired Sally out of school they did not make her the senior Rabbi when Rabbi Ed Klein the senior at Stephen Wise died while Sally was serving as his assistant. It took many years for women Rabbis to be accepted in a Senior Rabbi position. As in society in general women clergy are not on equal footing when it comes to compensation.


I served with Sally for six years at Monmouth Reform Temple. We were the first ordained all woman pulpit in the country. I can attest to the fact of her many Rabbinic gifts.  She is one of the finest pulpit Rabbis we have. I can also say the other panelists were extraordinary as well. One does not blaze a path unless the passion and commitment is there. It was inspiring for all those attending to be in the presence of women so committed to Judaism and the Jewish people.

Congratulations Confirmation Class!

Mazel Tov to Temple Shirat Shalom’s first Confirmation Class, their families and friends!   Our five Confirmands, Aaron (son of Cheryl and Michael Donahue), Halle (daughter of Debi and Michael Nelson), Natalie (daughter of Amy and Richard Sams), Melissa (daughter of Jodi Simon) and Sam (son of Kym and Brian Zionts-Bernstein) led us in a wonderful Shavuot service.  Thank you to the Cantor, Confirmands and their families for such a lovely simcha!  What a beautiful Shavuot!  Mazel Tov!

Photos of the confirmation class and Shavuot service can be seen under the ‘photo gallery’ tab.

A Letter from the Prez.

As we are winding down the first full year in existence, the members of TSS have much to celebrate.

The past year has been an incredible journey. From that small group of people with an idea, to a now flourishing and vibrant spiritual community, Temple Shirat Shalom is a true success story. Surpassing any and all expectations, TSS has become a respected religious organization in the Lehigh Valley.

It would have been easier to do nothing, but like our ancient Jewish ancestors, we chose to practice our faith even when there was no stone structure defining us. We have built a foundation from the heart, using bricks made of strong moral character held together by the deep caring and respect we have for each other.

Over the past year we have provided caring clergy, a warm and wonderful place to worship and abundant activities to strengthen our bonds. Taking a look back at all we have accomplished, I feel blessed to have been given this experience and happy that I was able to share it with each of you.

Here are a few milestones:

> 85 Families
> Over 50 children in our Religious School
> Shabbat Services every Friday evening
> The Wandering Jews
> Welcome Brunch for over 60 people
> High Holy Day Services at the Scottish Rite Cathedral for over 350
> Sukkot at Cantor Sussman’s home
> Atzeret Simchat Torah Service
> Adult Education offering Hebrew and History
> Torah on Tilghman
> Hanukah Party
> Bar/Bat Mitzvahs for our young teenagers
> Life cycle events
> Purim Party
> Progressive Dinner
> Book Club
> Trips to the American Jewish Museum in Philadelphia
and the Matzah Factory in Brooklyn
> Create and Connect Pottery Making
> Let’s Eat!
> Mike Iorio Seminar
> Website and Facebook page

There is much more to do and many more experiences to share. As we grow in our number, I hope we can offer that much more to our members and the community we serve.

Thank you for all of your support, encouragement and enthusiasm in making this year a memorable one for us all.

Dave Goldner, President of Temple Shirat Shalom

3/22 Newsletter Announcements & Events

Information about Services 

Tomorrow night, March 23rdFriday Shabbat Service, Swain School. Cynthia Goodman-Mumma will be chanting Torah.

March 30th: Friday Shabbat Service, Swain School
April 6th: Friday Shabbat Service, Swain School
April 13th: Friday Shabbat Service, Swain School


Event & Activity Reminder

Wednesday, April 18
The Yom Hashoah Service, featuring the play “Face Forward: Growing Up in Nazi Germany,” will take place at the JCC beginning at 7:00 pm. Click here to learn more


Tuesday, April 24
Yom Hazikaron ceremony take place at the JCC beginning at 7:00 pm.


Thursday, April 26
The community Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration will take place at the JCC from 5:00 pm till 8:00 pm.
Thursday, May 3 – TSS Book Club
The next TSS Book Club discussion will be The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman. We will meet on May 3, 2012 at Linda Miller’s home 832. N. Muhlenberg at 7:00 p.m.  The novel is set during and after the fall of Jerusalem (70 C.E.) while the Romans laid siege against the Jewish stronghold at Massada. Massada was held by a group of 900 Jewish rebels and their families.


This is the story of five fictional women who survived the mass suicide at Massada.   This will be the third book of the year for us. The conversations and insights have been wonderful.  Read the book and enjoy an evening with your TSS family.


If you plan to attend please email Margie Hertz at   We look forward to sharing our opinions of this wonderful book.


Sunday, May 6
A free concert will be held to honor the memory of Bruce Fischman at the Christ Lutheran Church, 1245 Hamilton Street, Allentown beginning at 3:00 PM. More information to come in future bulletins.


Saturday, May 12
Shavuot Cooking Class – more details to follow.


Sunday, June 3
Lecture by the first four female Rabbis – more details to follow.
Our LET’S EAT COMMITTEE invites you to spice up your life and drink, EAT, EAT and EAT with friends at:
Thai Thai Restaurant
302 Main Street
Emmaus, PA 18049
  • Challenge your taste buds or choose more comfortable options
  • Of course there will be dessert
  • Cash bar
Reservation is for 7:00 PM and cost is $30.00 per person.
RSVP Roberta Kritzer at or 610-398-2659 by March 1
Send check to Stuart Shmookler payable to him at
1495 Coventry Rd., Allentown, PA 18104
Any money left over will be donated to Temple Shirat Shalom
Come THAI one on with us!!