Be Mindful


March 15, 2012

This week’s Torah portion is Ki Tissa Hebrew for “when you take.” The Parashat involves instructions by God to the Israelites on tithings and offerings for the Worship Service with other strong themes. Cantor Sussman chose to sermonize the portion describing B’stalel, the expert chosen to build the Mishkan or Tabernacle (dwelling place). Cantor states, “God explains the importance of fulfilling the mitzvoth in the most beautiful way. To enhance worship with what we wear or how we adorn it, is a very Jewish concept.”

It is telling that God places importance on the ritual garments and adornments to the Tabernacle. Perhaps God wishes us to place a greater emphasis on Shabbat Services. With our seemingly chaotic lifestyles, Shabbat helps us to refocus by giving us a greater perspective to who we are through the legacy of our ancestors.

When we bring mindfulness to our place of worship, preparing the Bema, wearing a kippah or a tallit, or simply by sitting quietly and waiting for Services to start, a soothing calm comes to us. This state of mindfulness helps us clear away the stress of the outside world and makes us ready to receive the message of Shabbat. Whether it be a beautiful melody, an inspiring sermon or a meditative prayer, we receive a spiritual gift that we can take with us as we, once more, face the world outside.

In preparing for our Service, we are truly preparing our minds. In adorning ourselves with the garments of our faith, we become that much more aware of the important spiritual message we are about to receive, however subtle it may be. And through all of the activities surrounding the special preparations made for our Shabbat Service, we enhance our experience and the blessings of Shabbat.

How to Serve, with Brotherhood Style!

The Torah portion for last week’s Brotherhood Shabbat Service was Tetsaveh, Hebrew for “you command.”  In this Parashat God commands Moses and the children of Israel on how to serve the Lord God by bringing pure olive oil to light the sanctuary, ordaining and the dressing of the priests for worship and the burning of incense.  Don Bastian, President of our Brotherhood, drew from this text many similarities to the good deeds that the Brotherhood performs for TSS.

Throughout Don’s Sermon one realizes that when we serve our God with bringing order to our weekly worship Service and performing good deeds wherever needed, we not only serve God, we serve our community.  Perhaps this was why God gave these commands.  Bringing order to our worship brings people together to work for a common goal.  Performing good deeds side-by-side with fellow congregants builds a sense of community … a “brotherhood.”


This was the perfect Parashat for Brotherhood President, Don Bastian, to sermonize.  Don and his Brotherhood members are superb examples of bringing order to our worship Service and performing good deeds for our Congregation.  Their dedication and joyful spirit is an inspiration to us all.  We are truly thankful for our wonderful Brotherhood.


Jewish History Museum Trip 2/26/2012

Temple Shirat Shalom had its first field trip last Sunday, February 26.   The National Museum of American Jewish History located on Independence Mall in Philadelphia proved to be a fun and informative experience.  Arranged by Janet Hogan, we were led by a special museum docent who spoke of the Jewish people’s journey to America.  Exhibits with memorabilia, photos and movies chronicled the experiences of the immigrants and the beginning of their new life in a free society.  Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better than that, we ended the day with dinner at the Famous 4th Street Deli where sandwiches, filled with hot patrami, corn beef and roasted turkey were paired with the most delicious pickles and potato knishes.  A memorable and fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon.


TSS is now Socially Connected!


We are pleased to be almost finished with our new improved web site at TSS, along with other social media connections such has Facebook and twitter.  These social media capabilities will be found at the bottom of our home page.  Although many of you are not familiar with Twitter, Facebook and blogs, as you check frequently on the TSS site  you will become more familiar and hopefully become part of our social media community.  After each blog post, comments are welcome, and the more people that comment in our community, the more vibrant, meaningful and interactive our site becomes.   [Read more…]