TSS Hanukkah Party

Save the Date!!!!

The TSS Hanukkah party will be on Sunday December 16th, from 9:30 – Noon, at the Wescosville Recreation Center. Details to follow. This is for TSS kids AND THEIR PARENTS! More to come, but put it on your family calendar now.

Sukkot at the Cantor’s House, 9/30/2012

TSS had a special Sukkot Service at the Vaida/Sussman home.  David Vaida built the Sukkah with the help of Marc Silverstein and David Stein.  Everyone who attended crowded into the Sukkah as Cantor Sussman said the special blessings related to the Sukkot Festival.  Each one of us got to shake the Lulav and Etrog.  Then, as with so many other Jewish festivities, we enjoyed a sumptuous sweet treats provided by the TSS Congregation.

More on Shabbat Services, 9/28/2012

At last Friday’s Shabbat Services there were prayers, songs and blessings.  There was also an interactive discussion about the upcoming Festival of Sukkot. As we learned about our ancient Hebrew ancestors building their wooden structures in the fields and getting ready for the harvest, Cantor Sussman asked each of us to think about who we would like to invite into our Sukkah.  We were asked to choose one personage from the Torah and one other Jewish person either alive or dead.   Some said Moses, some said Aaron, Sarah or Joseph … Golda Meir was a popular choice … and there was even a Barbara Streisand in the mix.  What a festival it would be with all of those people.  The Service was not only spiritual but got all of us in the mood for the upcoming holiday of Sukkot.

9/7 /12 Children’s Service – Szydlow Children With Friends Practicing The Shofar