On several occasions as they wander through the wilderness the Israelites challenge Moses’ authority. In this week’s parsha Korach, son of Moses’ first cousin Izhar, leads a rebellion against Moses and enlists the aid from Reubenites, Datan, Abiram, On and 250 chieftains. They indict Moses and Aaron and say:” You have gone too far! For all the community are holy and God is in their midst. Why then do you raise yourselves above God’s congregation?”
The chutzpah the Israelites have shown is unbelievable. Both Moses and Aaron have worked so hard for the whole community. The Israelites are so ungrateful. Eventually Moses takes hold of the situation prays to God and God swallows the rebels. God does not like ungrateful people and God does not like those who are jealous of other people’s power or position. Moses exhibits his humility over and over again. God knows Moses and Aaron are unwilling leaders but leaders none the less.
Even though we must always guard ourselves against unscrupulous leaders we should also be grateful for those who take positions of leadership because often times most people do not have the time or inclination to take leadership positions in a religious institution. Let us think about the leaders in our little shul and thank them for all they do.