This week’s Torah portion is Vayak’hel. In this portion God gives instructions to Moses about the Tabernacle, its materials and its personnel. It is called the prescriptive Tabernacle texts because they prescribe what is to be done in the Tabernacle. This text occurs after the Golden Calf episode. God was quite angry with the Jewish people but eventually they were reconciled with the Almighty. This proves to the Israelites that even if they sin God will be with them and live up to the covenant He made with the them.
Once again God is very particular about every aspect of the Tabernacle and the life of the Israelites. We are entering the season of Passover, once again God expects exactitude in preparing for this wonderfully joyous holiday. I believe it is exactitude of intent. As we think about our seder and the week that follows, let us take joy in our traditions and follow the laws of Passover as best we can. It is supposed to be a time of enrichment for the soul and a closeness of the family. I hope all of us will get into the Passover spirit and have a wonderful time preparing and celebrating Passover.