It’s Jewish Music Month at Temple Shirat Shalom and we are celebrating by learning and singing beautiful Jewish music at each of our Shabbat Services. Music has been and always will be an important aspect of the TSS worship service. Our name is the Hebrew translation for Songs of Peace. So much of who we are begins and ends with song.
Every Shabbat evening, Cantor Sussman leads us in song and prayer. Before each song, Cantor explains the meaning it holds for us today and what it meant to ancient Hebrews of long ago. In this context, the music is not only a means by which we pray, it serves as a conduit to our ancestors. The songs we sing are an echo of their enduring message of hope and peace.
Understanding our past through Jewish music is another delightful benefit of our worship service. Everyone is invited this Friday to help us celebrate Shabbat as Debi Nelson, a member of our congregation, will chant the Torah portion,” The Song of the Sea” which describes God’s deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt.