Judy Belmont gave a thoughtful and meaningful Sermon at last Friday’s Shabbat Service. She spoke of the word “Hanukkah” and explained its meaning, “The word ‘Hanukkah’ is derived from the word, ‘to dedicate’ and Chanukah is a time of rededication of the temple when the Jews took control of Jerusalem and miracles happened with the limited oil burning for 8 days during the ‘festival of lights.'”
As with many stories that are handed down from generations past, it is the symbolism that holds the true meaning. From this story of the “festival of lights” we can surmise that the rededication of the Temple can be interpreted to mean a renewal of one’s spiritual connection to their religion. Though there are many obstacles, such as a limited amount of oil to burn, you can rekindle the light within you with the tiniest amount of hope for a better tomorrow.
It is a timely story to be told so close to the secular New Year. When many of us are making resolutions to improve our lives, it can also be a time to “rededicate” yourself to your religion, your family, your community and the world around you. As Jews, it is our mission to make the world a better place, Tikun Olam. So when we are listing those resolutions on January 1, 2012, remember the word “rededication.” In addition to losing weight, reading more books and spending more time at the gym, include a few that will make a difference to the world in which you live. Let the tiniest amount of the light within you illuminate your soul and make a positive difference in the world around you.