Beyond walls, without borders – that is how we roll. Temple Shirat Shalom continues to serve its congregation anywhere, anytime and any place. Our main place of worship, The Swain School, is our home base, however, on Saturday, August 17 from 4 to 8 p.m. TSS will host a Havdalah Service and picnic including an “all included” Macabbi Games.
This is a “Thank You” to volunteers and congregants for your hard work and membership. Our organization enjoys its success because of all of the people who believe there is a different way to worship.
As we enter into our third year we give thanks for the friends made, the obstacles hurdled, the goals achieved and the faith strengthened. We are strong and growing.
Want to know more about the Event? There is an Evite in your mailbox with more details. Don’t miss it.