Summer is a great time of year. The weather brings us outside to enjoy backyard barbecues, trips to the beach, reading on the deck, gardening and all sorts of sports. Even a summer rain is a welcome respite from the heat, refreshing and renewing us to begin it all again.
Attending Shabbat Services in the summer is much like a summer rain. Our everyday lives are busy with activities. We sometimes need a break from all the fun we are having. Seriously … we need to de-stress, express and compress. De-stress from our busy week, express our faith with friends and family and compress our lives with the brotherhood and sisterhood of our spiritual community.
It’s as refreshing and renewing as a summer rain. Coming to Services may seem like the last thing on the list at the end of each week, however, once you are there, you immediately feel peaceful. And you will most likely learn something too.
Cantor Sussman is expert at teaching us lessons from the Torah. It is always a conversation with Cantor incorporating everyone’s input into her Sermon. And this week, we are eager to learn of the experiences of our own Sam Zionts-Bernstein who spent a high school semester in Israel. You will want to come and bring your own children to hear what Sam has to say.
So if you are in town, put this week’s Shabbat Services on your calendar. We look forward to seeing you there.