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We appreciate your thoughtfulness in making a donation to Temple Shirat Shalom. The following are the TSS funds for directed donations. If you would like to discuss your donation with someone, please call the Temple office at 610-730-6272.
Bruce Fischman IDEA Fund (Institute for the Development of Educational Advancement) was established by Fredda Fischman in memory of her beloved husband Bruce to commemorate his dedication to lifelong learning. This fund will support ongoing Jewish education, including, but not limited to guest speakers, materials and conferences.
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
The purpose of the Cantor’s Discretionary Fund is to collect donations from congregants and others to be disbursed by the Cantor, at the Cantor’s discretion, in a moral and ethical manner applying Jewish principles.
The following are some examples of disbursements consistent with this policy:
- To needy congregants and other individuals,
- To other 501(C)3 organizations, including the synagogue.
- To supplement customary synagogue expenses.
- To cover the honorarium and expenses of a guest speaker or educational program.
Education Fund
The purpose of the Education Fund is to collect donations from congregants and others to be disbursed by the Board, at the Board’s discretion, in a moral and ethical manner applying Jewish principles. The funds can be used to further all aspects of Jewish education and learning.
Social Action Fund
The purpose of the Social Action Fund is to collect donations from congregants and others to be disbursed by the Board, at the Board’s discretion, in a moral and ethical manner applying Jewish principles. The funds can be used for all aspects of social justice including but not limited to, projects and programs to help or educate our temple community, the local community, and to serve the greater community on the national and international scale. These projects may include issues of clothing, food security, housing, shelter, and children’s issues.
Other opportunities for giving to TSS:
General operating – contribute to support the general operations of the Temple. This could be a special donation in honor/memory of an occasion or special person in your life.
Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat – One way to turn our Temple house into a home is at the Oneg Shabbat. Celebrate your next birthday, anniversary, engagement, child’s birth, grandchild’s birth or other simchas by sponsoring an oneg following one of our Friday night Shabbat services. Sponsor an oneg for a friend’s event that you want to acknowledge. Sponsor one on your own, or with family or a group! Bake your own goodies to share! Or sponsor with a cash contribution. Contribute $25, $50, or $100 to offset the cost of an oneg in honor of someone you love. If you wish to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat, please coordinate with Susan Shmookler (
Make checks payable to: Temple Shirat Shalom
Mailing address: Temple Shirat Shalom, PMB #278, 3140 W. Tilghman St., Allentown, PA 18104