This summer, we at Temple Shirat Shalom are helping some Allentown grade school children get ready for the new school year by donating Tools for School.
We will be helping the kids at the Cleveland School, in Allentown (9th and Liberty).
The school has 365 students from grades 1st – 5th.
The school has a poverty rate of 91%!
Let’s pull together to provide these young students with the tools they will need to learn.
Items in need:
-pocket file folders for storing papers
-colored pencils (not crayons)
-hand sanitizer
-pencils (especially with designs – prefer not yellow)
-book bags and backpacks
-pencil boxes
-clip boards
Ways to help (Easy as 1-2-3):
- Donate cash ($10 and up)
- Drop off new supplies (contact Cheryl or Marcia about drop-off locations)
- Help us shop for supplies, or if you are shopping for your kids, pick up an extra and donate it!
Checks should be made out to Temple Shirat Shalom – attention: Tools for School.
Mail to Cheryl Shadick at: 3007 Kerns Ct., Orefield, PA 18069.
100% of donations will be used for school supplies.
We would like to complete this project by August 22nd, to deliver the supplies by the start of school.
Let’s help these kids get ready for the new school year!
Let’s get behind Cheryl and Marcia on this social action project!
For more info, contact:
Cheryl Shadick ( or
Marcia Berkow (
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