We had an exceptional involvement for the garage sale, with numerous donors, helpers, organizers, sellers, cleaner-uppers, and emotional supporters. Because of the group effort, we raised $1600. for the Temple, so that we can continue our events and programs. WOW!!
Thanks so much to Liz and Joel Kamp for all their time and energy and allowing us to overwhelm their house with our STUFF.
And thanks a million times to Jett and Liz for organizing everyone and everything so well!
The following people were working their butts off on Saturday May 18 for pick up and delivery, and Sunday May 19th for the sale:
Don Bastian
Marcia and Miles Berkow
Jett and Norm Sarachek
Liz and Joel Kamp
Terri Krassen
Mike and Cheryl Donahue
Marc Silverstein
Terry Schettini
Don and Judy Belmont
Nadyne and Steve Remetz
Nancy Kahn, and Aaron – our gold-star salesman
Debi Nelson
Shari and Elliot Gluskin
Mike and Donna Iorio
and whoever else I missed, because I was looking the other way when you were there.
Great job to all who participated in this super-successful Temple fund-raising activity!!!
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