Learning from One Another – Sign up to Deliver a Shabbat Sermon

You got somethin’ to say? Share it with the congregation!
A unique aspect of TSS is our Shabbat sermons by congregants.

We are all students.
We are all teachers.

In keeping with our TSS tradition of congregational involvement, we are inviting EVERYONE to sign up to give a Shabbat sermon.

This has been a wonderful opportunity to learn about each other and our personal connection with Judaism.

If you’ve already delivered a sermon, it’s a new year and you can do it again!

If you’ve not yet given a Shabbat sermon, it is a great opportunity to express yourself.

Cantor Sussman, of course, will help refine your thoughts in the context of Jewish law and tradition, or to help develop your sermon with you.

Please contact Cantor Sussman (CantorSussman@gmail.com) if you are interested.

Much have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues,
but most from my students.
                                                          Talmud, Ta’anit 7b

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