Sermon- January 26, 2012

Last Friday Dr. David Stein gave a Sermon at Shabbat Services on the Torah Portion, Vaera. In his Sermon, David recalled the section where God asks Moses to speak to Pharaoh on behalf of the Jewish slaves. This was a huge responsibility for Moses and he initially felt inadequate for such a task.

Sometimes the responsibility of our religion may be overwhelming. Services each week, educating our children with Hebrew and History, studying the Torah for the greater meaning of life and making the entire world a better place to live are daunting tasks. And, like Moses, we may feel inadequate to accomplish all of the above.

Fortunately, living a Jewish life is not a burden. Our Services on Shabbat are peaceful and joyful. The education of our children and ourselves is quite rewarding and adds richness to the fabric of our being. Studying Torah may answer the true meaning of life, but it will most certainly give our lives a deeper meaning. And even the slightest effort to make our world a better place is a gift that we give future generations and ourselves.

We need not feel overwhelmed or inadequate. Moses had Aaron and the Hebrews to join him on their journey to worship God in the desert. We have each other, our families, our Temple and our Jewish Community to help us navigate our way on our spiritual path.

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