No one knows what the future holds for us. We can look forward with optimism and prepare for a bright future, understanding that not everything may go according to plan. Or we can hold onto the past, not because it is our best course of action, but because it is what we know and what makes us feel comfortable.
In the Parsha Shelach L’cha, the Israelites are presented with the choice to face an uncertain future and go bravely into a new land, or to go back to what they know, slavery in Egypt. The choice was not an easy one. The future held the promise of the land of milk and honey … but not without cost. They may have to fight for their right to claim this land. And even with God’s help, some believe that this cannot happen. They would rather retreat back to Egypt and live out their lives as slaves.
Making a change in your life may not be as dramatic a choice as this biblical story. But may be just as troubling. There are those who stay in bad relationships or bad jobs for fear that the unknown may be worse. They have little hope and less optimism that their future holds anything but sorrow. It takes courage to make life changes. It takes optimism to give that choice for change a chance to flourish and improve your life and affirm your decision.
The congregants of TSS, faced with a change and a choice to improve their spiritual life, had the courage to make that first step. Coming up on the first anniversary of our new Temple, I would say that this particular choice for change has proved successful. We did it! We went forward into an uncertain future. We pioneered a new way of worship. We did this together and created something wonderful.
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