This week’s Torah Portion is called Chayei Sarah which means the life of Sarah, although the portion is about the death of Sarah. In last week’s Torah Portion Vayeira we hear of the binding of Isaac. Sarah witnesses Abraham take her only son Isaac up to the mountain and she can only imagine what is going to happen next. The binding of Isaac ends one portion and the death of Sarah begins the next. We have no idea what happens in between.
As a Jewish mother I can only imagine the worry that Sarah experienced enough worry to ultimately kill her. The Rabbis have a field day with these Torah portions and have all sorts of commentaries on Sarah, how she felt, what was going on in her mind and many other midrashim or stories fleshing out these portions. I just met someone at Wegman’s and he was telling me his wife was not feeling well and she was quite nervous. I told him what I tell myself and everyone else – don’t worry until you have something to worry about. By worrying you only make the time prolonged if there is something to be concerned about and if everything is fine you ruined a couple of perfectly fine days. Our days are precious and it would be really great if we all, me included, heeded my advice. Who knows perhaps the whole Torah would have been different if Sarah was not such a Jewish mother.
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