Last Sunday was Simchat Torah, the Holiday celebrating the Torah. The Torah is a pretty amazing literary achievement. Whether you believe God gave it to us, or God was the inspiration by which it was written, the Torah is responsible for many of the tenants we live by today. The lessons taught to us through the lives of our ancestors are still relevant. The Torah, meaning “instruction” or “teaching in Hebrew, can be credited for giving structure, order and benevolent governance to society as we know it.
The Torah is also the central focus of our Jewish learning. On a personal level it reminds us of the significance of our Jewish heritage. It brings us face to face with our ancestors through their triumphs and struggles. We receive guidance on personal relationships, our responsibility to our communities and a moral code by which to live.
And for those of us who attended Simchat Torah and heard the Torah reading of the final chapter by Cantor Sussman, followed by the first chapter, read by Debi Nelson, witnessed the never-ending presence the Torah has in our synagogue, in our community and in our lives.
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