TSS Hosts First Confirmation Ceremony

Confirmation at Temple Shirat Shalom


Last Saturday evening Temple Shirat Shalom hosted its first Confirmation Class.  Five young men and women solemnly declared their intentions to live their lives as Jews, supporting and upholding the Jewish laws and way of life.  Aaron Donahue, Sam Zionts-Bernstein, Natalie Sams, Halle Nelson and Melissa Simon were eloquent and resolute as they spoke to us from their hearts.


The Confirmation Ceremony appropriately coincides with the Shavuot Holiday.  Shavuot commemorates the anniversary of the day God gave the Torah to the Jewish people.  And the Torah is the source for all Jewish teachings.  Torah study has provided our people with laws, order, structure and a way of life that was unique to the world at the time, and thousands of years later is still relevant.


These five young adults took the next step in their journey, going beyond a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, to proclaim their faith to their family, friends and Congregation.  Each one gave a heartfelt speech on what their faith has meant to them and a promise to embrace their Judaism throughout their lives.  So carefully guided by their teacher, Kim Zionts-Bernstein, these students explored the many facets of their lives as it is seen through the eyes of Judaism.  Many subjects discussed … many more questions posed … many thought provoking dialogues … all under the expert and careful tutelage of “Mrs. Z-B.”


Temple Shirat Shalom congratulates these five young adults, and is grateful for their commitment, their enthusiasm and their gift of a Yad for our Torah.   Temple Shirat Shalom also thanks “Mrs. Z-B” for her dedication to Jewish teaching and her deep understanding of what speaks to the young minds she so lovingly guides.


More on Friday night Shabbat …


Last Friday evening after the rain shower a Rainbow appeared.  We followed that Rainbow to its end hoping to find a pot of gold … but we found something so much better … Temple Shirat Shalom.


We thank Gene and Inna Tseytlin for performing Shabbat honors and sponsoring our Oneg.  It was also a special treat to have Dr. Michael Krentz as musical accompaniment for Cantor Sussman.  The Confirmation Class gave us a Sermon on what their Confirmation experience has meant to them.  We are ever so thankful for Stuart Shmookler who brings us news from the Board … in his own unique manner.  And we thank Cantor Sussman for her words brought to us in song.



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