God’s Gift to the world – trees!

In mid-January we observe Tu B’shvat – the Jewish holiday that celebrates The New Year of Trees. Yes, that’s right. All those years ago our ancestors understood the importance of trees and their significance to sustaining life here on earth. Fruit bearing trees were revered and symbolized God’s gifts to humanity.

Today the holiday encompasses other environmental and ecological issues as well, calling our attention back to the Garden of Eden and the message God gave to his children, “See my works, how beautiful and praiseworthy they are. And everything that I created, I created it for you. Be careful not to spoil or destroy my world – for if you do, there will be nobody after you to repair it.”

How appropriate this message is. How relevant it remains. If we do nothing else, remember these words and utilize the message in our everyday lives. Recycle, reuse, repair, regenerate, repurpose. Share this message with your children and your grandchildren. For if we do destroy this world … as God so aptly said, “there will be nobody after us to repair it.”

Tu B’shvat encourages us to refocus our lives and think responsibly incorporating renewable and sustainable practices in everything we do.

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