Passover Tweets

In celebration of Passover this week, we bring you a picture of a Seder conducted at the White House along with some well wishes tweeted by some famous celebrities.

Barack Obama: Chag sameach: “Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Passover.”

Brett Ratner: Hag Sameach to all those that understand!! Happy Passover!
Paula Abdul: Happy Passover! Who’s spending precious quality time with their family? NOTHING is more significant than family. xoxoP

Zach Braff: Jews!!!! Happy Passover.

Michael Bloomberg: Wishing everyone peace and happiness this Passover. Chag Kasher V’Sameach.

Katie Couric: Happy #Passover! Chag Sameach! Heading to Seder, where’s the afikoman??

Harry Styles: Looking forward to seder night. Always get a bit nervous when I have to sing ma’nish ta’na. But do love a shmorreh matzah. Happy pesach.

Leonard Nimoy: We celebrate the release from bondage that most of us take for granted. Some are still enslaved. Wishing freedom for all. Good Passover LLAP (Live long and prosper).

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