A spark of Judaism lives within all of us, as Cantor Sussman explained to the hardy congregants who made their way to services. Cantor spoke of recent and past examples of how that spark came alive and vibrant among Jews who were facing particularly challenging circumstances – at the end of their lives, during illnesses, and when they have simply forgotten what being a Jew meant.
This spark comes alive most often when the Sh’ma is said or when an aliyah is spoken. While years or decades may have passed, how many of us experience the ease with which the Sh’ma comes from our lips? How many of us still remember the first line or two of our Bar or Bat Mitzvah Torah portion or our Haftorah portion?
It is during times of joy and sadness that this spark enlightens us from within and gives us pause to recall what we’ve had all along…the proud awareness of being a Jew. If your spark has dimmed a bit, please attend a Friday Shabbat service or attend a TSS event and let your spark be renewed.
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